Eric Chavarria.

Developer, based in Mexico.

+ 3 years of experience, lover of good practices and clean code.
Work Experience
February 2023 - October 2023

In charge of the data and analytics area, using Python, a data workflow was developed along with an application that achieved process automation, reducing task execution time by 70%.

Lisa insurtech
June 2022 - December 2022

In charge of training AI for the analysis of documents related to the finance world within the insurance sector, implementing the 'Don't Repeat Yourself' (DRY) model using Regex and Python to create generic pipelines

February 2022 - June 2022

In charge of providing support for client and supplier data using Django and PostgreSQL, addressing issues and bug fixes, and structuring the marketplace using Next.js.

December 2020 - January 2023

Creation and maintenance of websites using Next.js and hybrid mobile applications using React Native

Inflation page by year

Inflation page by year


Creation of inflation dashboard per year which can consult more than 200 countries and with a history of 30 years.

Ecommerce Fron-Tend

Ecommerce Fron-Tend


Project in the process of creation, which will have a frontend based on microservices architecture with different technologies.




Informational page about chromostereopsis. Chromostereopsis is a visual illusion in which the impression of depth is conveyed in two-dimensional color images.

Task manager

Task manager


A small project to practice the knowledge of FastAPI and MongoDB for the backend, React for the frontend, and Docker for deployment in a container.




A project in the process of creation, very similar to a task manager, but instead of MongoDB, the Tortoise ORM with SQLite is being used, and the frontend is planned to be built with Astro.